Keeping your Westie White
West Highland White Terriers are of course white as their name suggests. That being said, they are not an albino breed and it is common, even desirable, to have some very light biscuit coloration in their jacket. This pigmentation ensures that Westies maintain their dark eyes, nose, lips, and paw pads. It is also beneficial to note that not all white coats are the same, after all it is estimated that there is over a thousand shades of white. Warmer and cooler tones of white are individual to each Westie, and both are equally correct according to the breed standard.
Westies, like many white breeds, may experience staining on their coats. Staining is not only unsightly but may also be an indicator of overall health. Depending on the location and coloration of stains, a veterinarian may need to assess your Westie for allergies, fleas, mites, yeast, or bacterial infections.
To aid in maintaining optimal health, we also recommend the following:
Hand-stripping rather than clipping. Westie’s have a coat designed for plucking, and traditionally their coat would naturally be removed as they moved through thickets and brambles in the Scottish Highlands. The old hair follicles on your Westie may become itchy and uncomfortable to them if they are clipped and left in place rather than hand plucked.
Providing clean fresh water. Water which is high in iron or contains contaminants may contribute to staining.
Feeding a quality diet. Some dog food brands and formulas add dyes, fillers, and unnecessary natural colorants to their diets which may contribute to staining.
Avoiding plastic dishes. Pottery, ceramic, or glass dishes resist bacterial growth. Stainless steel is also a good choice, provided that the material is stainless steel and not a mixed metal which may be mislabeled.
Regular bathing. While Westies are easy to maintain with a simple brush, bathing regularly helps in maintaining a beautiful white coat. Whitening products such as blue shampoos designed for dogs may also be used occasionally to help brighten the coat.
Enjoying sunshine and fresh air. Although sometimes overlooked, the Ultraviolet radiation from the sun aids in preventing bacterial growth and maintaining healthy skin and coat.